martedì 4 agosto 2020


For this exercise, remember that meaning of (x) is negative form, as well as positive form is the arrow.

mercoledì 29 luglio 2020


After the holydays,  I will post information as a summary of the counseling class for you now.

These pictures belong to 'Discover' book, which is a multi-level course in American English.

sabato 27 giugno 2020



Estas son algunas estrategias que pueden ser de ayuda para aprender inglés a través de la administración del tiempo invertido en ello.

1.    Seleccione un horario específico, las sesiones cortas y frecuentes son de mayor provecho porque no generan estrés o frustración.
2.    Elija solamente una área por mes y concrete sus esfuerzos a ella. Ejemplo,
·         Comprensión auditiva
·         Habilidad oral
·         Comprensión lectora
·         Escritura: Gramática, vocabulario, oraciones cortas, un párrafo.
3.    Establezca metas objetivas.

Mejorar mi fluidez.
Tiempo: 15 minutos.
Hablar con naturalidad.
Siguiendo un video en YouTube sobre un audiolibro de su preferencia.
Párrafo por párrafo durante un mes.
Mejorar mi pronunciación.
Hablar con claridad.
Escuchar el audiolibro, pulse pausa y repita el párrafo escuchado.
Aprender 15 palabras nuevas.
Aumentar mi vocabulario
Escoger de cada párrafo con el que practique, las palabras que desconozca, en una hoja de su carpeta trace  tres columnas, de la siguiente manera.

Pronunciación figurada

lunedì 15 giugno 2020


"Punctuation is the collection of marks that we use to make sentences flow smoothly and express meaning clearly. Originally, punctuation was only a tool for speech, not for writing. Writers developed it so that people would know when to pause, stop, or make other expressions when they were speaking. It wasn’t part of literature because most people didn’t even have access to printed work. But, nowadays, since everyone reads, and printed literature is available for everyone, we use punctuation in writing so that sentences read in a similar way to how we speak. Knowing how, when, and why to use punctuation is now a standard part of writing in English

The following information was taken from the internet, as well as the explanation above.

sabato 6 giugno 2020

Now please, I invite you to sing these songs, remember hear the pronunciation word by word, as well as sentence by sentence, and finally sing a song with your husband or wife to achieve your English pronunciation.

mercoledì 3 giugno 2020

"Can't help falling in love" it is a beautiful song in several sense for instance, semantic, pragmatic and romantic.

lunedì 1 giugno 2020

Interactive web page

1.  Select the area to practice

2. Select the topic

 3. Select the level of English

If you make a mistake, the system provides you with the correct feedback and response that you can hear.

sabato 23 maggio 2020

Transition words

Transition words are used to connect the words, phrases or sentences, they help the student to progress from an idea expressed by the author to the following idea, this way you can build up a coherent relationship whiting a reading.

giovedì 21 maggio 2020

martedì 19 maggio 2020

English writing practice

S.M.A.R.T is a strategy generated by Peter Drucker, who was considered the father of modern corporate management; his ideas have revolutionized corporate management since the second half of the 20th century. This strategy has been applied by some scholars to improve the students' process learning through management by objectives (MBO). For Peter Drucker MBO are agreed and decided by the organization as well as by the employees, who understand what is expected of them and work together because they attain their personal goals of the same way the organization too.
When a student wants to achieve his learning process, the student knows what the teacher expects of him, however, consider the personal goals are important too, to work together in one direction: The learning to life.

Remember to click the subtitle button

The following files have been found in the web



mercoledì 13 maggio 2020

sabato 9 maggio 2020

giovedì 7 maggio 2020

Rudyard Kipling was an English narrator, poet, and journalist, he was one of the most popular writers of the British Empire, both in prose and in verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

IF, Spanish translation
Si puedes mantener intacta tu firmeza
Cuando todos vacilan a tu alrededor
Si cuando todos dudan, fías en tu valor
y al mismo tiempo sabes exaltar su flaqueza

Si sabes esperar y a tu afán poner brida
O blanco de mentiras esgrimir la verdad
O siendo odiado, al odio no le das cabida
y ni ensalzas tu juicio ni ostentas tu bondad

Si sueñas, pero el sueño no se vuelve tu rey
Si piensas y el pensar no mengua tus ardores
Si el triunfo y el desastre no te imponen su ley
y los tratas lo mismo como dos impostores.

Si puedes soportan que tu frase sincera
Sea trampa de necios en boca de malvados.
O mirar hecha trizas tu adora quimera
y tornar a forjarla con útiles mellados.

Si todas tus ganancias poniendo en un montón
Las arriesgas osado en un golpe de azar
Y las pierdes, y luego con bravo corazón
Sin hablar de tus perdidas, vuelves a comenzar.

Si puedes mantener en la ruda pelea
Alerta el pensamiento y el músculo tirante
Para emplearlo cuando en ti todo flaquea
Menos la voluntad que te dice adelante.

Si entre la turba das a la virtud abrigo
Si no pueden herirte ni amigo ni enemigo
Si marchando con reyes del orgullo has triunfado
Si eres bueno con todos pero no demasiado

Y si puedes llenar el preciso minuto
En sesenta segundos de un esfuerzo supremo
Tuya es la tierra y todo lo que en ella habita
Y lo que es más serás hombre hijo mío...

Reading and writing skills

The Toronto Ministry of Education uses different strategies to develop English language skills, the following tables are taken from the successful strategies applied by this Ministry of Education.

Engaging in Reading: Most/Least Important Idea(s) and Information
What students do
• Read the passage silently, thinking about the purpose for reading.
• Listen to the passage being read, while thinking about their own choices for most important and least important idea(s).
Record most important and least important ideas on a “T” chart in their note books, after the teacher has done the think-aloud through the passage.
• Read the assigned text, conscious of the purpose for reading. • Reread and record the most important and least important ideas and information. • Reflect on choices with a partner, and make any changes necessary to the chart based on this discussion.

Reacting to Reading: Drawing Conclusions (I Read/I Think/Therefore)
What students do
Read the information provided and make inferences based on the information.
• Make a conclusion.
• Observe the teacher’s thinking process for drawing a conclusion.
• Preview the text to get ready to read.
• Clarify the purpose for reading (prompt or question).
 • Observe how to complete the graphic organizer
• Read the text, pausing to record important information, and make inferences.
Reread their graphic organizers. Identify similarities and differences among responses.
• Draw a conclusion based on the information and inferences in the chart.
• Compare own conclusion with those of others.
• Apply their learning to a different reading task.


Write down the date of your note-making.
• helps you remember context
• if you have written the notes on a loose sheet of paper, date helps you organize notes later
Give the notes a title, listing the text the notes are about.
helps you quickly identify information you may be looking for later
Use paper that can be inserted later into a binder, or have a special notebook for note making, or use recipe cards. Use notepad, outlining, or annotation features of your word processing software.
• you need to be able to organize your notes for easy access for use in studying, or in research reports • loose-leaf paper, a single notebook, or small cards are convenient in library research
Use point form, your own shorthand or symbols, and organizers such as charts, webs, arrows. Use the draw and graphic functions of your software.
• point form and shorthand is faster, easier to read later, helps you summarize ideas • organizers help you see links and structures, organize your ideas
Use headings and subheading in the text as a guide for organizing your own notes.
this part of the organization is already done for you; provides a structure
Don’t copy text word for word. Choose only the key words, or put the sentences in your own words. If you want to use a direct quote, be sure to use quotation marks. Don’t write down words that you don’t know unless you intend to figure them out or look them up. Use software’s copy and paste function to select key words only.
• helps you understand what you have read • short form is much easier for studying and reading later • helps avoid plagiarism (using someone else’s writing or ideas as your own)
Write down any questions you have about the topic
• gives you ideas for further research • reminds you to ask others, clarify points • gives you practice in analyzing while reading
Review your notes when you are done.
• ensures that they’re legible • enables you to go back to anything you meant to look at again • helps you reflect on and remember what you’ve read

domenica 3 maggio 2020

Speaking skill

When you talk about a personal experience, you decide how do you want to speak, you have the control because is your experience, neither knows the way that you lived it, and then you need be natural, you need be yourself. This is a clear example.


mercoledì 29 aprile 2020

Elementary Reader

Robert J. Dixson is an author who wrote "Elementary Reader", this book consists of reading selection for elementary or low-intermediate English students. The follow pictures are taken of that book.

Structure Review.

  A. Change the following sentences to 
the present continuous form: